
In the building industry field “construction of tunnels and underground structures“, we have a high level of professional knowledge due to our specialization.  We also offer expert opinions as well as consulting services for projects.

Specialized fields we don’t cover ourselves are handled in conjunction with our partners in an interdisciplinary fashion, so that we can guarantee comprehensive execution the high level our customers are accustomed to.

Contact us

Corporate Head Office

Wilhelm-Greil-Strasse 15/5

A-6020 Innsbruck

Tel. +43 512 93 84 45

Fax. +43 512 93 84 45-46

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Branch Office

Weiherburggasse 4/6

A-6020 Innsbruck

Tel. +43 512 93 84 45

Fax. +43 512 93 84 45-46

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